Eco IIparle2015-03-19T09:06:15+00:00Eco II – Single Rotary R & D ECOmpression Press
- Ideally suited for R & D plants, Pilot scale production, Pharmacy colleges, High value low volume products, Non Pharma applications
- Fully cGMP compliant Tablet Press in terms of Design, Metallurgy, Easy Accessibility etc.
- Turret with Electro less Nickel Plating & can be provided with ‘D’, ‘B’ or combination ‘D’, ‘B’ & ‘BB’ Tooling
- Semi-Direct drive to the Turret through high torque reduction gear box
- Pre & Main Compression rollers of 20 kN (2 Ton) & 60 kN (6Ton) capacity respectively
- Segmented Cams for easy maintenance & change over for Multi Tooling & Single piece Cam for “D” & “B” Tooling machine